Expert Witness for RMS in NSW LEC 2017

Apokis v. Roads and Maritime Services – NSW Land and Environment Court Proceedings (2017) NSWLEC 163

Client: Roads and Maritime Services

Discipline: Corporate Advisory – Expert Witness

Date: May 2017

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) engaged Darren Herdman of InSitu Advisory to act as an Expert Witness and provide evidence in respect to a case where quarry land had been compulsorily acquired by RMS for the purposes of the Pacific Highway upgrade.

Apokis, the quarry owners, appealed the compensation initially offered by RMS to the NSW Land and Environment Court (LEC). Darren Herdman provided evidence during the Court proceedings in respect to the future demand for the quarry resource sterilised by the land acquisition.

The LEC found in favour of Darren Herdman’s evidence, who under cross examination, argued that the depth of the market did not support the Applicant’s claim that future quarry sales from Corindi Quarry were higher than those adopted by RMS when assessing compensation.


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